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Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 12 April 2009 17:42

This Web Site is owned and operated by Kristen Marine SA. The information contained in this Web Site has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing general information about Kristen Marine SA, its affiliates and partners to interested parties. The Web Site has been compiled in good faith by Kristen Marine SA and the information it contains is on an "As is" and "As available" basis, with no representations made or warranties given (either express or implied) as to the correctness, accuracy, correctness, completeness, reliability or otherwise, of the information provided. You should always verify the accuracy of this information by calling Kristen Marine SA, its affiliates or partners.

By accessing this Web Site, you agree that that Kristen Marine SA, its affiliates, partners, their officers and employees, in no event will be liable for any injury or loss of life, direct (including loss of profits), incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages, arising out of access to or use of any content on this site including viruses, regardless of the accuracy of completeness of any such content. Furthermore, by accessing this Web Site you agree that you will fully indemnify Kristen Marine SA, its affiliates, partners, their officers and employees, against any claims arising for any of the above mentioned losses from such use.

This Web Site may contain links to other sites. Kristen Marine SA has no control of, makes no representation or warranty with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the content and information available on those sites or pages and makes no warranty with respect to the use of the links provided.

The copyright in the information contained in this Web Site belongs to and remains with Kristen Marine SA. Your access to it does not imply a license to reproduce and / or distribute this information and you are not allowed to do such acts without Kristen Marine SA's prior written consent. All trademarks and trade names are proprietary to Kristen Marine SA.

Any comments sent to this Web Site, becomes the property of Kristen Marine SA and may be used without limitation. Received comments will not be treated as confidential.

Copyright © 2005-09 Stelios Kontozoglou, Kristen Marine S.A. All rights reserved.

Last Updated on Sunday, 10 May 2009 12:00